Your Health Is Your Wealth
Being Outline of Talk Presented at 2021 Health Seminar of FIDES MEDIA Ltd, at Archbishop A.K. Obiefuna Auditorium, Nodu Okpuno Awka Diocese. Anambra State, Nigeria.
By Okonkwo, Chinenye MaryRose (RN, RM AND RN ANESTHETIST), JP

Health Concept
Many people, schools of thought and Researchers have different opinions of good health, wellness, vitality and soundness of the individual. Good health is the state of an organism when it functions optimally without evidence of disease or abnormality. Good health, wellness is philosophy of life and personal hygiene that views health as not merely the absence of illness but the full realization of one’s physical and mental potential as achieved through positive attitudes, fitness training, diet low in fat and high in fiber, and the avoidance of unhealthful practices (smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, over-eating). Good health is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity. Good health is a resource for everyday life, not the object of living. Good health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.Wealth Concept
Wealth measures the Value of all the individual, community, company, country, parish, deanery, region and diocese. Essentially wealth is the accumulation of scarce resources. Wealth affluence. Good health Determinants /contributory factors: Axe the state of our environment, genetics, our income, our educational level and our relationship with God, friends and family. What we are, what we do and where we live. Good health is categorized under insights to:- Safe, Effective environment
- Health promotion and maintenance
- Psychosocial integrity and (4) Physiological integrity.
My Divine Destiny
- I have everything I need to fulfill my destiny.
- I know God has good things in store for me.
- I am accepted and approved by God.
- I am available.
- I have royal blood in my bloodline.
- I have a bright future.
- I have best days ahead of me.
- I follow God’s divine destiny for my life, calling, purpose, and belief.
- I like myself.
- I have confidence in myself.
- I keep myself happy.
- I like what I get.
God has the final authority
- I am creative.
- I am talented
- I am Valuable
- I have a bright future and my best days are still out in front
- I let go the old.
- I live a positive life.
- I am a victor and not a victim.
- I am successful
- I have the favor of God.
- I put myself in a healthy, positive, faith-filled environment.
- I love my God and He loves me
- I can do all things through Christ.
- I am making the Very most of the life God has given me.
- I store equity not iniquity in my spiritual bank accounts
The ageing process is cumulative change in an organism, organ, tissue or cell leading to a decrease in functional capacity. Degenerative changes in the skin, bones, blood Vessels, lungs, nerves and other organ and tissues.Anti-Ageing Secrets
To age well-- Eat well
- Stay well
- Look well
- Feel well
- Exercise well
- Manage well
- Prevent disease
- Lose weight
- Stay alert
- Manage stress
- Prevent falls
- Begin young
- Plan retirement
- Do smart habits
- Take A-Z Vitamins
- Take A-Z minerals and
- Pray well
Important midwifery skills
What midwifery skills are most important to learn before you are responsible at a birth? How do you attain those skills?
Patience. And knowing normal and what to do when things aren’t normal! –Carrie Valentine Blake
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